Now the question, "how to save our environment?" Well aware, Many ways that can really be done, such as Go Papperless. Reduce excessive use of paper.If not completely destitute, try not to take plastic that offered the seller.

For example, we can read the information online without having to print it in the paper version. Okay, we're already living in the era of super-fast broadband, so make it as easy as reading it today.I think in my personal experience anyway, in school teacher told me too much to make paper in the paper so it can be a waste of paper ..but how well? If we do need to print it into paper we can print it back and forth let me frugal, efficient, and effective. So, Papperless is a win-win solution, this will save us money and certainly not environmental friendly.Moreover, we also have to supporting the recycling program. Avoid excessive use of plastic. Loh, why? Because plastic does not easily teruai naturally, to decompose the plastic takes a long time. Thus, use packaging that is more easily recycled such as take-away packaging made of paper. Last but not least, our support and action are crucial!
Try to always carry your own bags when shopping to the mall, supermarket or market. Use a towel / handkerchief instead of Kleenex. In addition to saving, we also reduce the amount of trash and tree felling.
Saving water, saving electricity. Use water as necessary, as well as the use of electricity.Bathing twice a day enough, use the products once a rinse to save water when washing, turn off the lights and AC when no one, turn off the TV, the laptop when we do not use. If not urgent, select the general facilities as an alternative transportation. Such a move is very useful to reduce pollution.
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